What's this plant

What’s this plant? My parents are convinced I’m trying to grow weed in the garden. I’m pretty sure it’s just a random plant.

What’s this plant? My parents are convinced I’m trying to grow weed in the garden. I’m pretty sure it’s just a random plant.

by youaresofuckingdumb8


  1. bluish1997

    Cannabis sativa

    It could have come from hemp in bird seed. Happens more often than you’d think

  2. Healthy_Inflation367

    “I’m pretty sure it’s just a random plant” is what I would have said too 😉

  3. Adorkablemisfit


    A certain kind of “weed” indeed

  4. SharkieBoi55

    Your parents are right, that’s ye ol cannabis


    That IS cannabis. Parents are correct. You got caught growing weed.

  6. LtButtermilch

    I’m convinced your dad is trying to blame you for his weed

  7. purrcthrowa

    We had some in our garden. It was near a bird feeder. Is yours near a bird feeder?

    A friend who is more experienced in the arts than I said it’s unlikely to contain any THC, as the sort of hemp seeds you get in birdseed don’t have THC.

  8. winkledorf

    Wait till the fall. If you get tomatoes thats a bonus, if you get buds, then your parents were right and you should give them half.

  9. paskhev_e

    Yeah, but they’re right. Sativa. Hope your climate stays about 55F for a few more months!

    PS, how old would you say it iz?

  10. Puzzleheaded-Rice-13

    That looks like weed to me, I’m no expert but that’s some of the weediest lookin weed I’ve seen this week

  11. therightansweristaco

    True story. Helping a friend move. This friend grew weed in his closet with HPS lights. Had three clones in rockwool in the back of the truck with all his stuff. Come over a hill and copper sees us speeding. Lights go on and we get pulled over. Cop sees the Steal Your Face stickers and starts to think we have weed in the car. Separates us when the second cop arrives and tries to do the “your buddy said the weed is yours” bit to each of us. No weed so we say nothing. Drug dog shows. Cops are moving stuff around in the truck bed to look for bud when one of them sees the plants. He was so excited he thought he had us. Buddy tells the cop with a straight face it’s a pepper plant. Says he grows them for the State Fair. Total BS. So the cop is standing there with a clone in his hand and a confused look on his face. The drug dog officer comes over and has the dog smell the plants. No response. Cop puts the plants back in the truck. Writes speeding ticket. We drive away with the plants. Dallas, Texas 1995.

  12. paskhev_e

    I work in one of the greenhouse complexes run by the nonprofit I work for. (Remember – nonprofit, federal funding..) We get soil, in grow bags, donated from a cannabis grow op, as it’s legal in this state. Once or twice a year, an extra seed makes it into those grow bags, so sometimes I’ll be repotting lavender or something, and see a lil baby sativa. Which has to be removed from our property immediately.

    And that is how the universe gave me a feminized seed that is now in her flowering stage this year. 😁

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