
Weird bug bite

Wife got weird bug bite that is oozing yellow. Any ideas?

by Psychedelicluv


  1. 41PaulaStreet

    Is it spreading? You should mark those pink edges with a pen or marker to make sure the redness isn’t spreading.

  2. TheWoodConsultant

    Brown recluse spiders where you live?

  3. HaleyTelcontar

    Pretty much every story you’ve ever heard about a terrible spider bite was actually a staph infection. Go to a doctor.

  4. Go to the doctor …

    In the meantime mix a topical…

    U can use Shea butter or coconut oil…

    Mix in some baking soda….

    Place on area.

    I add some colloidal silver… Natural path silver wings 500 ppm …. $20 online or at sprouts.

  5. AslanVolkan

    Doesnt look good. Go to doctor and get antibiotics (doxy) for at least 4 weeks. Take probiotics also.

    You dont want Lyme, believe me.

  6. killumquick

    Bullseye looks like a tick with Lyme but could be any number of poisons. Definitely get to the hospital or a doctor you trust.

  7. Pitiful_Speech2645

    I would ignore it and just keep living. Then again I am not a doctor

  8. Don’t know where you’re located and so what’s most likely, but a bite from a Lyme-infected tick, a bad and potentially infected spider bite, and a staph infection (all as mentioned by others in this thread) all seem quite plausible.

    If this is it all spreading, or even staying the same more than 12 hours, I’d get to a doctor pretty quickly. While in many cases all 3 of these resolve on their own, there are significant longer-term risks for all of them if untreated, and it’s not worth taking that risk. Depending on what it’s identified as being, immediate and completely effective treatment may include an antibiotic ointment or a 10-14 day regimen of oral doxycycline. But if it’s not good and you neglect it and don’t get help, it could turn into a many-month, much larger systemic problem. Don’t monkey around.

    I’m not a doctor.

  9. coldnightair

    It looks more like a snake bite and it definitely needs professional care whatever it is

  10. RTschdsNP

    Yes this looks like target lesion from tick bite

  11. WolfRiverBell

    If you can, drink coconut milk or consume coconut meat. It’s a natural antiviral. Of course visit a dr. Aswell, like asap, that’s really big.

  12. Automatic-Donut3550

    husband got a bad bee sting that got infected and had red around it like this. soaked a cotton ball in tea tree and bandaged it on for 10 min a day and it essentially burned up the bite/infection lol

  13. slickrok

    Please actually put information on posts.
    1. Where, ffs

    2. When

    3. Where did it happen in yard, etc.

    4. Itchy or not.

    Looks like infected fire ant bites.

    Go to the Dr. A staph infection will get real bad real quick.

  14. mtnlaurel_

    It’s looks like a chigger bite that she scratched. They can ooze for weeks. Because it’s so red around it, you should probably go to urgent care just in case.

  15. breastfedbeer

    Wearing sandals or shoes with short socks out in the grass?

    Looks like Erythema migrans. This is a symptom of Lyme Disease from a Deer tick bite. Two bits likely from two ticks. Especially if she didn’t feel anything.

    See a doctor asap. If I am correct this person needs antibiotics asap.

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