
Anyone else already planning for next year?

I’d been making mental notes of what I should do differently next year—last night, I finally cracked and started drawing and making a list.

Please excuse my drawing skills.

by Dlatywya


  1. TheRecklessOne

    Yes. I have a patch where last year ‘throw seeds and water’ worked amazingly. I had this super colourful patch with 2 types of cosmos, helichrysum and zinnia. It was full of bees. Amazing.

    This year I did the same and grew one cosmos.

    So next year I’m digging it up, adding some compost to the soil and planting a bunch of perennials because it’s currently just clay with some dandelions in.

  2. Uborkafarok

    I may or may not have just ordered a bunch of spring bulbs today…🤣🤔

  3. Icedcoffeeee

    Yep.. Every year my brain takes a mental tally of what worked and what didn’t, so I can plan accordingly.

    Last year bugs. 
    This year so much fungus ugh 
    Keeping coleus. It’s so easy and no fuss. Growing that every year. 
    I don’t have your artistic talent though. 

  4. Next year? I’m planning for fall when I can finally get something going because very few vegetables grow in 90+F summers here.

  5. anOvenofWitches

    Yes. The cicadas took about a month off this year’s gardening season.

  6. shethatisnomore

    Absolutely, every year I make mental notes of what I want to change for the next year.

  7. Yeah I have 2 txt files one for basic journaling how things did and what I did when and one that’s just ideas of new things to grow since I like to try something new every year

  8. gooberfaced

    I have a couple of spring orders already in.

  9. ILoveCreatures

    I’m taking photos, making notes, and assembling it all into an email to myself, scheduled for early May lol

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