Grafting Plants

Does this look ok? L. Williamsi on T. Pachanoi, 2 weeks ago I grafted it, it looks on there firmly but the edges are curling up. Suggestions?

Does this look ok? L. Williamsi on T. Pachanoi, 2 weeks ago I grafted it, it looks on there firmly but the edges are curling up. Suggestions?

by Ihavetoleavesoon


  1. 2icebaked

    Kind of looks like you grafted to old growth, which is why the core looks woody. But the scion looks plump and it looks like a good union so I’d say let it ride.

  2. sweatpantparadise

    this is why people bevel the edges of rootstocks. if this were mine i would leave it for now to allow the union to solidify but never the stock in a few months so it’s not an issue as the scion grows.

  3. Visual_Profession_78

    Did u make fresh cuts on both sides??

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