Fiddle Leaf Fig

This gal’s been through it.

Looking for advice!

So this gal has really been through it. I got this FLF from Home Depot over a year ago and she was not much smaller than she is now. She seemed to be stable but not growing, and then dropped several leaves. Sometime later, I repotted her to what she’s in now and shortly after noticed a spider mite infestation, cue brown spots on leaves 😭. I was able to eradicate them and she stabilized, thank God, definitely thought I was gonna lose her. So then I decided to get wild and see what a little notching action could do, applied some growth hormone and out popped these little leaves in the middle. Yay, so happy!! my question is the very top stem is trying so hard and has sprouted leaves here and there, but they constantly wither and die immediately. Why?? how do I fix this? Also since the notch worked so well I want to try this again but I’m not sure how long I should wait, I don’t want to stress her out. I want to say it’s been at least a month or two since I did the first.

First two photos are current state, last photo was her in october 2023, better times 😬

by Asparagus_Minimum

1 Comment

  1. LHAviles_

    I like to soak nut shells or egg shells in water for at least an hr and boil a cinnamon and cayenne mixture combine them and dilute with water….. Spray the plant … I like to spritz each leaf a few times to wash off any dust. I have found my plants do better when I bottom water them… And only spray the soil with organic food fertilizer once a week….. You will see rapid growth … Place the plant in indirect light .

    Happy planting

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