
Not sure what’s wrong with them?

My tomato plants are withering really fast and I'm not sure why, withering is starting from the bottom leaves and working upwards, one plant is losing the strength to hold itself up even with the trellises, anyone know what's happening with them?

by eragonself_upser


  1. Dizzy_Variety_8960

    Mine do this every year at the end of the season. I think it is called late blight. I cut off the dead leaves. When it gets really bad, I pick all remaining tomatoes and make chow chow from the green ones.

  2. Dizzy_Variety_8960

    Depends on where you live. I’m in 7a – Mine started producing in June with the first ripe tomato on July 1. The leaves are now dying, and I will be pulling them out in a couple of weeks. I try to wait until most blush. Mine tomatoes do this every year in August. The heat and humidity here is brutal in August. Everything is suffering. But I have had a great season and I’m ready to be done with my spring crop.

  3. Annual_Judge_7272

    It’s in the soil. Add Lyme and peat moss this fall

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