Gardening Austin

Plants that can tolerate full sun in non-summer but shade during summer

I have a Mimosa tree in my front yard that drops a ton of flowers/material every summer and reliably shades out the lawn area between it and the driveway. Pictures here:

At this point, even my Bermuda grass is starting to struggle in that area due to the shade and all the matted tree material that gets dropped – I'd like to put something down there that would look more intentional and put together, but am not sure what since the tree will fully shade the area during the summer but during the winter and spring (the tree usually doesn't put leaves out until at least May if not later) it'll be fully exposed to the sun.

I think I could mix in some native/non-native ground cover like clover, frog fruit, or horseherb, but I've also thought about mulching that entire section up to the existing bed (visible in the first picture) and putting in some larger plants. Any suggestions on bigger plants (ideally evergreen) that could tolerate full shade in the summer?

by bgottfried91

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