
Trying to Save My Oak Tree

The red oak in our front lawn recently had one large branch on the south side just suddenly have all the leaves start to brown and die. There seems to be a color variation in other branches on the same south side that the dead branch is on where their leaves appear to be a slightly lighter color green but to me appear to be healthy. I do not see any spots or issues with leaves elsewhere, at least not visible from ground level. I noticed the bark on the south side has some cracks and what appears to be borer holes. Last summer it was weeping some sap like substance from the bark but this year I haven’t seen that. I’m trying to get an arborist out but haven’t got anyone to return messages yet. In the meantime time I plan to spray the trunk and ground with diluted neem oil at dusk every few days to try to get rid of the borers. Anything else I can do to help my tree survive and be healthy? Is it better to leave the dead branch alone for now or should I cut it off as soon as possible? In North Texas DFW area so it’s extremely hot right now.

by MommaMo1313

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