African Violets

What would happen if I propped this one leaf?

I bought this African violet due to the one leaf that is variegated. The one next to it has a tiny bit but the rest of the leaves look relatively normal.

What would happen if I propped the one leaf? Would it grow leaves that are variegated like this?

by SuddenlyAGiraffe


  1. Plantaehaulic

    It could be a variegated variety. In summer some variety turns to green leaves but usually variegation comes back in cooler temps. I get different variations propping some variegated leaves. I say give it a go before it gets too old to prop😊

  2. Worst case, you get a plant with the same genetics that may put out variegation again later. However, with philodendron, monstera, and other common houseplants, this is something we do to try to encourage variegation. You would cut and propagate the variegated part and it usually does better than just waiting for it to return. So, on that basis, yeah I say go for it! I would prop both variegated leaves. :3

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