Gardening Australia

Opinions please

The rental we live in has desperately overgrown gardens, which I'm slowly tackling. Along this sidefence in the backyard there's a strip that clearly used to be a flower garden. I want to keep the three camelias marked with blue hearts, rip out the privet marked with a red cross (it's growing out of a camelia bush that I expect to lose as well) and then where the yellow crosses are I want to add maybe callistemon slims. I'm also considering popping in some pigface or another native groundcover to help fill the gaps and keep the weeds at bay. The sunlight pictured is at 9am, it gets full sun all day.

Do you think this would work, or would you have a different suggestion? I'm trying to put in as many natives as I can, as currently there are zero.

by larvioarskald

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