No Lawns

Hi friends! Any tips for a first timer who over planted? Should I pull some and replant them elsewhere?

Sorry, it’s not exactly a lawn! But there isn’t a subreddit for Urban Sprawl Doll Size plots of land. And I’m clearly not knowledgeable enough to start one…. As you can well see

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  1. WingNut107

    I think it looks wonderful and would leave it alone; but that’s just my opinion.

  2. LilyPlantsArt

    I put out seeds along a fence and they grew in really thick like this. It’s been great! The flowers support each other, a lot of visual interest, a ton of pollinators bouncing around, no worrying about mulching because no dirt is exposed to the sun. I like treating my garden like a science experiment. Best case, you love it! Worst case, you learn that you want to do something different next year. Either way, it’s valuable information!

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