Plant Clinic

Ummmm… my plant snapped in half. Can it be recovered?!

I was given this plant by someone a few days ago. I put it on a shelf and I’m suspecting that one of my cats played with it a bit too rough. Is this recoverable? If so, what do I do to help it along?

Current care: I watered it once since getting it because it was pretty dry. I haven’t really had it long enough to establish any watering habits. It’s been sitting in a south facing window for a few days.

Also if anyone can ID this plant, that’d be helpful!

by mm89201


  1. EatVegetablesNow

    I’d stick top part into some root stimulator (white powder, buy at Loews or Home Depot) and plant it OR… you can try putting that top into a glass of water and keep it in water until it roots, then, replant it.

    As for the stub.. it will EVENTUALLY sprout a new plant, but could take a few months.

    LOVE the kitty pics at end. So guilty. 😻😹

  2. KDBlastIt

    It’s a dracaena marginata, and I chopped the top of mine off in a ceiling fan once. stuck the top in water and eventually it sprouted roots. The stub will sprout leaves eventually–probably two or three branches, so you’ll have a bushier plant.

    Love your tiny criminal. Ours is also an unrepentant feline.

  3. NeedleworkerCheap353

    sphagnum moss has worked really well for propagating for me !

  4. Yes, both parts can recover nicely.

    The potted stem will most likely produce at least two points of branching.

    I finally potted the stems as I got tired of having to fill the glasses.


    These plants tend to shed their lower leaves and get leggy looking… that’s just how they roll. So don’t be alarmed if a random lower leaves dry up and shed off.

    If leaf die-off happens further up… then there is a possible issue going on. There should always be new growth coming up from the crown.

    If the plant gets too gangly, you can always chop and prop.

  5. WitchyMae13

    Something to note, investigate plants closely with kitties in the house. A lot of “normal” house plants are quite dangerous for cats. Any flowers or plants in my home are in places inaccessible by the cats (which is saying a lot – but truly, places they cannot get.)

  6. Beesky27Lolz

    When in doubt proporgat 😂it will work though search a video online and follow the directions!

  7. Valuable-Constant641

    I always break the tops off of mine then I stick the top in a pot of dirt or if it’s a single plant I stick it next to it. I like the look of these with more than one in a pot. And you will start to see new sprouts growing from the topless plant it will multiply. I love watching this I get so excited when I spot 2,3 or even 4 new sprouts pop up it fills your plant out

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