Plant Clinic

Only some of my leaves are dying on my calathea makoyana

So I repotted her for the first time 5 days ago, and bottom watered for about an hour with distilled water. I also wiped the leaves with distilled water. The rest of the plant seems to be slowly recovering and their leaves uncurling, but this portion hasn’t really improved at all and is all sad and droopy :(.

In the day time I put her by the window where there’s filtered and indirect daylight. While she recovers from repotting, at night she goes in the bathroom for extra humidity.

Do I cut these leaves off or is it better to leave them?

by fallaciousflipflops


  1. ajellyfishbloom

    There’s no advantage to removing those leaves. They can still photosynthesize light for energy. There’d be less available energy for the plant if removed.

  2. NeedleworkerCheap353

    they don’t look too bad, normally with repotting some older leaves can die off from stress, looks like there’s some crispy areas since you mentioned it gets filtered sun it could be getting a bit too hot and burning the leaves. wouldn’t be too concerned though!

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