Succulent Plants

My pride and joy until I moved and gave her a new window with too much sun. Can I save her?

My pride and joy until I moved and gave her a new window with too much sun. Can I save her?

by justvistingforawhile


  1. 4321432144

    You will be surprised. Just leave her alone, in the new window. Like – 3 months or more. New little growths will arise from your mistreatment. Or, maybe it is a good time for a haircut? Start some new pots. You have a lot of good growth in the center already.

  2. BeltaneLane

    Mine always dries out the old leaves and sprouts new 🙂 I think she will be fine. These are a little dramatic anyway, might be a catalyst for lots of new growth!

    ETA you can pluck the old dry bits off if they come off easily, but I wouldn’t try to force them.

  3. These guys are dramatic. I was sure I killed mine and it was in much worse shape, but it came back.

  4. Revolutionary_Low_36

    This is so cute! It’s giving me “lithops on a vine”
    😂 what is this plant called?

  5. Serious_squish

    New growth means yes! There is still salvaging it before it’s too late. I would recommend getting off dried leafs if possible (don’t use much force they should fall off if they’re ready) it’ll help long term too because the roots won’t be giving water to the leaves that don’t need it! 💧

  6. mymycakes

    i have the same plant and i did not know they vined like that!! 😮😮😮

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