
What could be the cause of this.

I repurposed one of those “betta aquariums” that are less than 1 gallon and i use it for my photos trims and as a little nursery for small trims that my corys don’t leave alone in my main 20g. But today i noticed one of the leaves of my photos trims kind of dying i guess? I have a bunch of organic matter in there with a population of bladder snails and some tiny shrimp looking organisms less than a centimeter long plus different plants that are doing great, soon will be washed and replanted in my 20g. Could it be that there is a lack of nutrients because of the quantity of plants? Or is the plant just getting rid of the leaves to focus on new growth?

by Leading-Goal-8272


  1. lunarmagpie

    They’re leaves. They die after some time. It’s how plants work.

  2. surethingsatan

    Thats just pothos being pothos. Some of my long bois dropped all of their leafs closest to the soil they’re in.

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