
Cebu blue advice

Hey all, got this monster Cebu Blue several months ago and it’s flourishing. However, I’m unsure if I should be trimming off all these new creepers on the bottom? I added more moss pole to the top but that doesn’t really help with all the bottom growth. I could loop them up and try to get them to grow up into the plant. Is it possible for the plant growth to be too dense to get enough light?

by yarn_barf


  1. 1012Ford

    It looks like we should be asking you for advice. It looks amazing.

  2. plaidwoolskirt

    I don’t have anything helpful to say, but dang-o, that plant is gorgeous and I am going to show this picture to my cebu blue.

  3. Comfortable_Pilot122

    It looks like you have multiple plants in that one pot, you COULD separate it but I wouldnt just because it’d be way too much work..you can maybe do some chop and prop action though

  4. sidhescreams

    I’d leave them or clip them. It looks like you have plenty of growth growing up the pole that what’s growing down doesn’t matter so much. There is a possibility of the interior not getting enough light as larger leaves crowd out the leaves underneath them, but as the larger leaves are up at the top they don’t seem to be shading anything too badly. You could train the runners back up the pole too. Over time leaves along the interior and through the body of the arrangement will die off, ofc. But it looks happy and healthy and like it’ll look like this for years to come. Remember to fertilize it regularly!

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