Lawn Care

Paid a landscaper $750 to aerate, overseed, and put down weed and feed. How do I make this look better?

One section of my lawn had pretty bad moss. I was skeptical when the landscaper didn’t recommend anything to fully get rid of it prior to seeding.

The first month or two after he did the work and I watered it the lawn looked pretty green. It wasn’t perfect but I was happy with it.

Fast forward to now, one section is completely riddled with crabgrass and the other section has had its moss returned and the grass is dying despite it still being watered.

I’ve tried to call the landscaper to ask him what we can do to fix it but he hasn’t gotten back to me.

Can someone please walk me through what I need to do to have a decent looking lawn?

by thrrrrowawayyyy46744


  1. Cold_Refuse_7236

    Overseed + weed/feed = no new grass if in some close time frame.

  2. Fit-Bug4702

    I think you got robbed. Doesn’t look like he did anything.

  3. Ricka77_New

    1. You got robbed.
    2. Where are you located?
    3. Grass types you have/want..if you know?
    4. How much time and money do you want to invest?

    Last question matters heavy because if you get some equipment and a small bulk supply, you’ll have everything you need to kill all of the bad and maintain as needed.

    There’s also an initial cost for topdressing, seed, fertilizer, organics, etc…but that all contributes to higher success in growing and keeping a thick healthy lawn..

  4. A couple of questions OP where are you? Are you watering? What was the Weed in the weed and feed?

    August is early in a lot of places to seed, and if you’re in one of those places, you need to be watering frequently to keep the seed bed, the root zone moist as the grass begins to grow.

    Tenacity is, I remember right, the only herbicide you can apply and them plant into right away. Everything else has wait times. If your guy put down something else, even if it was a broadleaf herbicide, it could be part of your issue.

  5. Alone-Tackle-17

    Go to Big Box and get a bag of fertilizer . Get some Bayer crabgrass and weed killer spray. Spray the lawn first, put down the fertilizer. After 10 to 14 days spray the lawn with the weed spray again. Repeat the process the end of September . If you can find a bag of pre emergent crab grass preventer from scotts or other brand put an application on the end of October. This will help get control over the crabgrass

  6. Fudge121897

    Moss needs to be removed, whether by raking it up or some other method, moss will steal water and light from the grass and will kill it and or not let new seeds germinate. Then you need to fix the root cause of the moss to prevent it coming back, is it too shady, or does it hold water? How much are you watering? Most grass needs around 1-2″/week. Crabgrass is best controlled by a pre-emergent in the spring, other than that you can spray it with a post-emergent, crabgrass is an annual and will die off on its own but not without leaving its mark. For the color we would need more information, what zone are you? Have you had high temperatures? Are you watering it enough? Could be heat stress or drought dormancy

  7. sleepingdeep

    You need a new lawn guy. Mine does it for 40 bucks.

  8. clydeshelton01

    I always wondered why so many new landscaping companies pop up everyday.

    Then i see someone paying $750 for something like this and getting these results.

    Im very very new to personally taking interest in doing my own lawn work, and even i wouldnt have paid that much

  9. When I core aerated, the thinner areas grew a bit of crab grass. I guess just from the aerator pulling seed up from the soil.

  10. usernamezombie

    Just mow it, edge it, water it and accept it. Weeds and all. There is no rational way to win this battle. I tried, spend many thousands of dollars and my crab grass looks awesome. 😀

  11. Devldriver250

    I used winning colors are grass seed. the issue now as everything gets cheaper the seed companies add a certain amount of weed seed . just read the labels next time in home depot etc. I used winning colors always a ush green grass [](

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