
Anybody know what this 8′ monstrosity is?

I have 2 of em in my vegetable garden, I'm thinking they're gonna flower soon and I'll probably cut em down

by gaysatan666xoxo


  1. nathanjshaffer

    I believe it’s a Chinese catalpa. It’s an invasive version of the American catalpa and grows crazy fast

  2. WillAppropriate2011

    I was going to say Devil’s Club but don’t see the millions of razor needles covering it.

  3. Independent_Home_244

    Looks like a princess tree to me maybe. Paulownia tomentosa

  4. Theotherside24810

    It could be velvet leaf feel the leafs and see if they’re fuzzy

  5. GoguBalauru

    Pawlonia. Really fast growing tree (up to 2-3 meters per year) and highly invasive (if you don’t like it).

  6. keith7704

    Good luck. I have these things all over my property.

  7. lochnessie15

    For what it’s worth, they make great fodder for our sheep. Our property had some really large ones when we bought it, and we cut them down strategically when food sources are otherwise light. The trees sprout back up pretty regularly, but cutting and feeding the sheep has been a great win-win of controlling an invasive and having another food source.

  8. coffeequeen0523

    Highly invasive Pawlonia. Dig the trees up including all root sprouts as soon as possible. This tree’s root sprouts and seeds germinate quickly spacing out and harming native trees.

    Per above link, “this shade tree grows rapidly adding 15 feet each year to reach a mature height of 50 feet and width of 30 feet in just 10 years. It is considered one of the fastest growing trees in the world.”

    See second page of this document:

  9. dcraze0811

    I think it’s some kind of plant. I could be wrong though.

  10. mmmmmarty


    The devil.

    Kill it before it breeds

  11. wpcodemonkey

    I hate these things, they grow really quickly and get so thick, and they spread

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