Vegetable Gardening

I’ll pull your zucchini’s while you’re on vacay…or not.

I’ll pull your zucchini’s while you’re on vacay…or not.

by Glittering-Pitch-696


  1. Porkbossam78

    Time to start breaking into people’s houses to leave zucchini in their fridge

  2. Likeabrick0

    That’s one smart zuchini you have there, can’t belive you got one with glasses that incredibly rare find!
    If you have cucumbers check if there’s any with sunglasses in your garden because that would be one cool cucumber.

  3. OttoVonWong

    Zucchini warheads are ready to bombard the neighbors.

  4. Sick_and_destroyed

    Ha I know that situation. Now before leaving for vacation, I remove all the little zucchinis and the male flowers.

  5. artichoke8

    My zucchini is growing and growing and I’ve had only one single female fruiting flower (tons of males and 2 plants) and that zucchini grew way too big in the 5 days I was on vacation 🤣

  6. Abu2bLinus

    Wait, what happened to the glasses wearer? Was that the person who promised to harvest zucchini while you were away?

  7. LeanTangerine001

    The glasses makes me think you’re Clark Kent!

  8. McRatHattibagen

    That’s the size I would come back home to if I had to leave for 2 days.

  9. Do they freeze well? I have sooo many at the moment

  10. You can’t leave town if you’re growing zucchinis. Even over nights are dicey, lol

  11. Smoochieface67

    Some crazy gardening lady made her husband help her leave zucchini, cucumbers & tomatoes on the steps of every house in the neighborhood one year. She accidentally set off someone’s car alarm & woke everyone up at 5am. 🤷‍♀️. Shit happens.

  12. Davekinney0u812

    I’ve been away all weekend and wondering how many I’m coming home to!

  13. BuffaloSabresWinger

    Make zucchini bread, zoodles, thick sliced zucchini stir fried in a little butter with lemon pepper seasoning on them. Oh so good. Baked zucchini boats stuffed with mean and cheese. Enjoy!

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