Plant Clinic

My first Alocasia, what am I doing wrong?

I recently got this Silver Dragon and they don’t seem to be happy. I’ve only successfully had easy-to-care-for house plants so this lil dude is throwing me for a loop.

I tried putting them in my kitchen window where my other plants have thrived and they didn’t like it. Moved it to the bathroom window since i thought it might like the humidity, wasn’t happy. I tend to water them when I water my Pothos.

I feel like repotting may be the answer but i don’t wanna shock them. Thank you in advance for the help!!

by ZimmySquid


  1. velvetopal11

    Silver dragons are nearly impossible. I’ve never been able to keep one happy or alive for long than a year and I have dozens of thriving plants, including other alocasias. These guys are just really tough.

  2. nicoleauroux

    Could you be my specific about watering? Just because it didn’t do good in one window doesn’t mean it was due to the light.

  3. AdAwkward8334

    I’m trying to figure mine out too! I got it through the mail and it came almost completely withered from the high heat. I’m down to two leaves right now and they are both crinkled on the ends. Just repotted into a smaller pot with more airy soil and put it into my greenhouse. Hoping it works. Alocasias are my favorite plant, along with peperomias.

  4. lolalove118

    Mine is my toughest child, I’m quite literally not touching it and praying it stays alive. One stem left, send good vibes

  5. The other day I barely touched mine and it’s leaf ripped. The texture is so odd idk what it wants ever

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