Vegetable Gardening

Bees!!!! ๐Ÿ

If you would have asked me when I was a kid if I would love bees and even invite them into my garden, I would have laughed!!

by dantex79


  1. MickeyMyFriendYes

    I love bees too! Is that why you let your basil to go to flower?

  2. J3AN3TT3

    Ooo, I didโ€™t know basil attracted bees like that. I always only plant one next to my tomatoes and marigolds. Might plant more next year then! ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ

  3. ObsessiveAboutCats

    I planted a ton of basil this spring and let it all flower. It’s holding on well in the summer heat when there’s not a lot flowering (though I have zinnias too).

  4. ScarletAutumn_xo

    I let some catnip flower to bring in more pollinators! And I also grow bronze leaf fennel for the pollinators as well!

  5. blackjaxbrew

    I’ve got cilantro and dill doing this right now and the bees are going crazy

  6. gottagrablunch

    All of my herbs basil, oregano, mint.. the bees go absolutely nuts.

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