Gardening Australia

Midyim Berry

My midyim berry bush has never looked healthy. It's grown a lot in twelve months from a seedling, but always has this appearance of burnt tips.

It's in a spot that gets morning sun, and stays sunny for most of the day. It's irrigated and getting watered every 3rd day. And it's in a pot with a decent potting mix.

Any ideas on how to help it flourish? And ideally fruit?


by Taijoker


  1. Any_Gain_9251

    you don’t say where you are? Midgen are happiest in subtropical climates so if the new growth is getting burnt the sun might be too harsh or you’ve had frost- they can handle some dappled shade so move the pot to somewhere a bit more protected.

    It can take up to 3 years for them to start fruiting, although if they are really happy they can have (light) fruiting their first year.

    they’re still getting some nice new growth (I love the bronze new growth) so just prune the dead bits off.

    I planted 2 last year and I cant wait to see some flowers. I’m in cool temperate so not really expecting any this year.

  2. Pademelon1

    While they can handle full sun, they perform best in light shade.

    It appears your plant is in a terracotta pot too – in full sun this dries out really quickly, and irrigation every 3 days may not cut it, though it is a bit surprising for that to be the case in winter.

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