Plant Propagation

Variegated Adansonii- Should I chop it up into nodes to prop?

I purchased this Adansonii Albo as a rehab, it was in some kind of moss (not spahgnum). I was told it I should leave it be and let it root a little more. Well, I noticed the only leaf with green turning yellow, so I took it out and it had grown quite a lot of roots that had started to rot off. It had some roots left a few inches long so I went ahead and put it in a chunky mix to see if that would save it. I lost the leaf, and the only unfurled leaf is all white and starting to brown. As I’m going to be left with just the stem anyways, should I just chop it up into nodes and try to prop those? Or let it try and push out some leaves?

by happysearchingg

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