Indoor Garden

Is my mint plant doing well?

I bought a spearmint plant from a store a couple of days ago and I have been placing it outside on the balcony so it gets some sun. Over here we have temperatures from 27℃ to 33℃ outside. I also placed the pot under a table so there isn't direct sunlight. I water at night about 100 ml of water daily cause I felt that the plant might get too dry from being outside.

However I found some brown spots on the leaves (2nd and 3rd pic). My soil(4th pic) is one that lets water seep through easily but I'm not sure what exactly is in it. Every time I water, some water drips through the bottom of the pot very fast

Is there an issue with my mint or is it actually doing fine and just adjusting to a new environment from the store? I've never had a mint plant before so I'm not familiar with this at all.

by Belphiathan

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