Gardening UK

Waiting patiently for this to happen

My last year's harvest end of July and first week of August. This year, I am behind on the tomatoes with not a lot to harvest yet, am I alone?

by almostnomads


  1. Lets_trythisone

    You’re ahead of me… you’ve a few red ones there!

  2. Full-Elderberry-8208

    Are those ready to pick? I usually wait until at least 50% of the tomato has started to turn red…

  3. MultiMidden

    Normally by early August the novelty of fresh ripe tomatoes is starting to wear off.

    This year my early variety has only just started turning orange, probably a week before they’re proper ripe.

    I put it down to a lack of proper sunshine earlier this year, so they took ages to get going.

  4. Lukesoko

    I’m new to this, should I be picking my tomatoes when they’re green then wait for them to turn red? Cheers

  5. Mysterious-Guess-773

    Mine are still light green too, it doesn’t look like they’ll be ready any time soon.

  6. chaosandturmoil

    i prefer to leave them on the plants so they get sweeter and stronger tasting. but the weather the last 4 years has been so bad and inconsistent

  7. Foreign-King7613

    It’s the weather. My tomatoes are only just flowering, and I planted them at the same time I have for years.

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