Gardening Australia

Native privacy plants over a drain

Would like to plant something that gives us privacy from neighbours and is ideally native to our area as we love supporting the local fauna.

However I'm concerned about this easement. The drain visible in the photo has a pipe flowing to it that runs right along the fence. It's probably at least a metre or 1.5 metres under the ground but should I be concerned at all that the roots from hedge type could cause it damage? Eg lilly pilly or something?

I'm in Western Sydney Cumberland plains so heavy clay soil and this area is full sun.

Thank you!

by princeyG


  1. Figpixels

    It’s a shame what backyards have become in this country.

  2. AccordingWarning9534

    Lily pillys are a good one, they have many different types. There is a narrow tall one, called Syzygium australe ‘Straight & Narrow’ – Lilly Pilly

    mass plant a row of those and it’ll rapidly grow a hedge.

  3. Historical_Green6172

    Look for varieties that won’t grow too big and you shouldn’t have too many problems with roots or pipes. Think 3m ish grevilleas, banksia, Lilly pilly

  4. Callistemon ‘Slim’ Bottlebrush. Grows incredibly quickly, left unpruned will grow 3m high x 1.3m wide, with pruning will happily stay as narrow as 90cm and still look great with lots of flowers. Very hardy, loves wet clay soil and has non-invasive roots.

  5. Narrow-Bee-8354

    Do you mind if I ask how many sq mtrs your block is?

  6. Water gums make a good hedge and like heavy clay soil. I’m not a fan of one species hedges, especially in such a small area – biodiversity makes the area more interesting.

    Tuckeroos are very good for this sort of situation – small, non invasive roots, grow a full canopy to cover the sightlines from neighbours’ upstairs windows and take very well to pruning, so you can sculpt it into the exact shape you want.

    Other good options are native frangipani, (hymenospermum flavum) and ivory curl tree for their lovely thick foliage and gorgeous flowers. Acacias/wattles are probably the fastest growing but have a short lifespan approx 15 years. You can plant slower growing trees at the same time as the wattles.

  7. Wedding-Good

    I’d go pots with something climbing a trellis or arch to make it tall enough. Even as a temporary measure until Lilly pilly grows. lilly pilly tall and narrow would be an option longer term.

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