Gardening UK


So after planting what a thought was a red sunflower with a max height of 5/6ft, it's turned into a 12ft yellow sunflowers reaching for the gods 😂

by Bushmanuk


  1. Ok_Dragonfruit4032

    Scotsdales sometimes do a tallest sunflower competition, with a £100 gift card as 1st place prize. Could be worth checking it out!

  2. SleepDoesNotWorkOnMe

    Amazing! I’d love it if I could look out my window and see a neighbour’s monster sunflowers overlooking the neighborhood!

  3. Sweet_Focus6377

    Well, they don’t look very red 😉

    You have done much better than I have, mine have not even needed repotting.

  4. radioactivenerd

    Serious question, HOW did you stop the slugs from getting to them? 100% of mine got eaten this year!!! 

  5. ChemicalTarget677

    Look like free seeds from Gardeners World magazine. I wonder if the same happened to people across the country?

    Regardless, those are impressive. I don’t think I’ve ever seen such tall ones before!

  6. IntelligentRepair345

    They are massive! Well done too on tying them and keeping them upright !

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