Lawn Care

What is this??

So my grass has been pretty decent for the last 6 months, mowed at least 2-3 times a week, fertilized, taken care off. I had a party last weekend and a few days later this dead patch has appeared? No idea why but it’s getting worse by the day. I’ve started watering it, but any idea what it could be? Could it be someone who spilt a drink on it? Will it recover?

by mikeythemacaw


  1. Tight-Lengthiness667

    Looks like a spreader turning with extra fertilizer letting go, or my Uncle’s late night pee streak continues…

  2. Upstairs-Platypus843

    I believe it’s dog pee as well, or possibly someone spilled something with a high acidity. It should recover

  3. Jaded-Prior-2897

    Patch type fungus. Water less frequently. More volume per cycle

  4. Upstairs-Platypus843

    A little sprinkle of seed never hurts 😉

  5. Electrical-Rush-3538

    Could be insect damage , Rake lightly and reseed

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