Plant Identification

What is this flower? My neighbour gifted me 4 shrubs

What is this flower? My neighbour gifted me 4 shrubs

by BeardedSeeker


  1. DebateZealousideal57

    Those look like cold hardy hibiscus, forget the specific species, I’m in New England I see those in people’s yards all over

  2. Consistent-Leek4986

    rose of sharon reseed all over so learn what they look like as newbies. they like a hard prune in march to keep shape and produce
    lots of flowers. don’t plant by a front door or patio as they drop a load of blooms.

  3. One_Kaleidoscope_198

    After a few years you probably have over 100 seedlings, they are pretty but their seeds are everywhere, these shrubs need constant pruning, they grow up to about 8-10 feet and need a lot of sun with moisture soil, in south Korea they are called ” flowers of unending” also is their national flower, in here we call them rose of Sharon.

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