
What going on here?

Transplant from rockwool to RDWC running 1/2 dose of Cropsalt nutes. Bottom of rockwool slightly submerged in the water. Evo4 light on setting 3 and 24” from plant. Running a water chiller as well, steady 69F. Ambient temp and humidity are around 79F and 65% respectively.

by Greedy-Safe9518


  1. chickenwrapzz

    If you Google “what’s wrong with my mj plant leaves” there are some good infographics

  2. That-Gardener-Guy

    Let’s see inside. I want to see your roots

  3. Drjonesxxx-

    You didn’t mention the most important factors.

    Are u using beneficial bacteria?

    Or are u using a clean mineral salt nutrient.

    Furthermore, are you using tap water.

    What ppm is your nutrients / PH….

    What calmag are you using?

    If you answer these questions in order, I’ll tell you exactly what’s going on here.

    Also, don’t submerge your rockwool, are u using a top fed method?

    Rockwool requires a flud and drain or a top fed, not an undercurrent. Rockwool shouldn’t be submerged fully in water.

  4. CartographerHumble50

    If it’s mildly way or bumby along with the light color likely too much nitrogen

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