Plant Propagation

Is this enough roots to transfer to a pot?

I put my photos cutting in water, maybe 3 to 4 weeks ago, it already had the aerial root but I wanted to wait a little more time to see if more would appear. Do you think is enough or should I wait a little more? It's my first propagation so I don't know a lot about it yet, tis in advance ☺️

by Capybara_Therapist


  1. Ok_Prune_8721

    I would wait a bit personally— when those roots have roots, then I’d pot it. 

  2. gwhite81218

    I’d pot them up before too long. You generally want cuttings in water for as little time as possible. I wait until the roots are about 2” long and then they’re sufficient to support themselves once potted. Just keep the soil slightly moist, not soggy, for the first few weeks after planting to help it transition to soil.

    I disagree with the lateral (secondary) roots advice that’s been swirling on Reddit. Sometimes it can take a cutting a long time to get them, way longer than necessary. I recently let some pothos cuttings stay in water for several months, thinking I might leave them hydroponic. Some of those cuttings had roots a foot long and not one lateral root.

    Plants also grow more quickly and produce more foliage once potted in soil, so delaying the potting time just ends up delaying the plant’s development.

  3. Sad_School1188

    Pothos are so hardy and easy to prop I would pot them up now. I have never had an issue with my golden pothos taking to soil from water and I’ve done it 4-5 times already.

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