Plant Clinic

Is our pot too small for this big money tree?

I've been given the responsibility of taking care of the plants in my office – we have three of these beautiful money trees. The two upstairs are doing great, but this guy has some yellowing leaves with some drop off. I water Monday, Wednesday and Friday like my boss requested, and I pour in a few cups. I've never personally had one of these, so I want to make sure I'm not doing anything wrong. Could it be overwatering? It's been here a year, bright indirect light from the west.

by officermeowmeow


  1. Electronic_Bear1468

    I think its a good a size for the space it is in, if you put it in a bigger pot it will get also bigger and probably outgrow this space

  2. Electronic_Bear1468

    If I had to guess what is wrong with it, you’re probably not soaking it completely when watering therefore uneven watering.

  3. Jimbobjoesmith

    i only water mine when dry. i stick a wooden skewer in the center all the way down. you may want to consider some liquid based fertilizer. i think that plant could really use some. they make a foam kind that you just squirt directly into the pot right before watering, which would be ideal in an office situation. it’s small and doesn’t have to be mixed and measured. money trees like pretty small pots but i don’t know how long it’s been in there and what the root situation is like.

    also, does the pot have drainage holes? whenever you do repot make sure it has drainage holes. even if you have to use a plastic nursery pot and put it inside another pretty pot.

  4. Jimbobjoesmith

    also yes i think you’re overwatering by quite a bit.

    eta only water when dry and instead of a few cups, thoroughly soak until water comes out the bottom.

  5. corn_niblet

    You are definitely overwatering. I only water mine every 2-3 weeks by bottom watering. I think your watering schedule and technique might lead to root rot.

  6. KissMeDress

    Try cutting back to once every 2-3 weeks and water thoroughly until it drains out the bottom. The pot is quite small for it though

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