Native Plant Gardening

A little sparrow came down for a drink while I was weeding a couple feet away, and I actually had my phone on me for a photo! Note that adding rocks to my bird bath has brought a lot more birds, and I’ve seen wasps drinking as well.

A little sparrow came down for a drink while I was weeding a couple feet away, and I actually had my phone on me for a photo! Note that adding rocks to my bird bath has brought a lot more birds, and I’ve seen wasps drinking as well.

by Maremdeo


  1. Sudenveri

    That looks like a black-capped chickadee! I love them, they’re so cute.


    gorgeous pic!! looks so peaceful. whats the yellow flower?

  3. We added rocks to our birdbath one year to attract small birds, and all we got was lots of algae, lol. Glad you’re having better luck!

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