Gardening UK

Pond construction update

Thank you to everyone who suggested using a mattock or pickaxe along with a shovel rather than a spade. I didn’t have a mattock, but I found a pickaxe hiding away at the back of the garage and commandeered it! It made things a lot faster and after three days of digging (I took Friday and Saturday off as a birthday treat 😆), the hole is done. It doesn’t look as deep in the picture, but it comes up to my shoulders when I’m in it (I’m 5’5”) and I had to use a ladder to get out.

Tomorrow’s job will be smoothing the sides and laying sand ready for the lining to arrive on Wednesday. We have also booked a skip, because with the best will in the world my neighbours do not want this much soil (picture 2).

Thank you again for everyone’s help and advice, I’ll update you again when the pond is finished.

by Legitimate-View-3277


  1. Appropriate-Sound169

    I think even my spaniel would struggle to dig that 🐶🐶 good job 👍

  2. ElusiveDoodle

    Splendid hole, well done. How are the blisters?

  3. Ultrasonic-Sawyer

    Fantastic work. Looks really nice. Will be a treat when it’s done. 

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