
Pick now or wait?

Should I pick them as they individually ripen, or should I wait until they all go red? What are the chances of them all ripening together?

by Prestigious_Mark3629


  1. I’d pick individually as they ripen. Or anytime after they blush and ripen inside/paper bag.

  2. CaprioPeter

    They won’t all ripen together as some are much more mature than others. When I see them blush I pick them and have them ripen inside, but that’s because I’m competing with hungry locals for my fruit 😂

  3. InDifferent-decrees

    I’d say it depends on where you are. I have always wait until they were ripe unless we lived in a climate where it was colder or winter came early. If the weather is nice leave ‘em be.
    Edit: by the way I’m so jealous of those beautiful tomatoes. Our weather here has not cooperated with growing.

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