
I told my wife we are only taking a few of my favorite plants when we move.

She’ll be fine with this…… right?

by BuddyOwensPVB


  1. Unhappy_AloeVera

    Put the rest in a storage container somewhere with a grow light going all the time and then gradually introduce them back into the new house at a rate so she doesn’t notice 😂😂

  2. ptlimits

    That looks fine! Take cuttings of everything else??

  3. Physical_Painting_60

    your wife is a lame for this. plants 4 ever

  4. YeaYouGoWriteAReview

    Im only seeing one picture. clearly you forgot to upload the others. 4 bins +2 on the table is unacceptable.

  5. Eponetha1339

    I’m about to do the same thing to my husband and our move is a three day drive 😂

  6. TheKlutzy_frenchie

    Plants deserve only the best first class moving truck all to themselves! 🤣

  7. Beautiful-Brush-9143

    What are you doing for the rest? They are living beings and don’t deserve to be abandoned. 🥺

  8. OrphanGold

    This is not that many plants! Take them all!

    Last time I moved, the movers would not touch my plants. It took me and my dad two trips in his Crown Vic to get them all moved! (Luckily I only moved 5 blocks away.)

  9. Thatsmyredditidkyou

    So all of them?! Right? . . . Right?!

  10. Significant-Pack-300

    When I moved last month we did one one full load with a van of plants

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