Gardening UK

First year real gardening

I moved into a house with an established garden so I’ve only really pruned things back and weeded but this year I decided to try my hand at actually planting stuff. My toddler helped plant the seeds and has been watering them with her little watering can.

Hopefully our tomatoes will start to ripen soon so my toddler can enjoy the fruits of her labours. She’s been munching on the cucumbers as they’re ready and telling me that they are yummy in her tummy. She’s less keen on the ropey looking hanging basket and sunflower that we grew.

It’s been quite rewarding for me and I’m looking forward to having another go next year. I’ve already been looking at bulbs for spring and thinking about what kinds of veggies my daughter might like to try growing.

by doorstopnoodles

1 Comment

  1. Just_Eye2956

    Looks good but the tomatoes probably won’t get to fruit properly. Too late in the year. Mine are in a greenhouse and still green. Keep going though.

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