
Mutant crop

Hello! I had no idea this place existed but I’m glad I’ve found somewhere to ask about these monstrosities.

I’ve been growing toms for a few years and this years crop is starting to look very mutated. I’m using last years seeds from 2 varieties – Scottish yellow and Marmande. And one set of seeds from a packet – Russian black.

I was wondering if any of you fine people can tell me what is going on/wrong here?

The Scottish yellows seem to be holding up well, although I’m getting black/brown spots under some of them. Is this blight or poor watering habits (I’ve been a bit busy this season).

The marmande and the Black Russian seem to have cross pollinated potentially and I’m struggling to separate which is which. It looks to me that the Black Russian tomatoes have become much more gnarled than they ought to be, and none are black (purple) but rather have a very dark green crown to them. Whereas the marmands are much less gnarled than they were from their first year of growing and if anything seem to have yellow crowns or very light green at least. These guys are getting black/brown spots too, but worse so than the Scottish yellows.

In general they all seem to be growing bigger than they usually do too. And I even have one that is a doughnut…

Any and all help or advice appreciated. Also curious to know if anybody has seen a doughnut tomato before?

by bighand40k


  1. god i love the diversity that this plant’s fruit has

  2. oh, and in response to your question – this is just the wacky weirdness of heirloom tomatoes. some will look like the ones in seed catalogs…others from the same plant will look disgusting. the important thing is that they all taste way, way better than anything you can find in the stores!

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