
What kind of tree is this, and how do I save it?

My sidewalk tree is looking pretty sad. What kind of tree is it, and how do I care for it? We’ve had a really hot summer, and I have never watered it. I bought the house last year so I don’t know anything about it

by ClaytondeG


  1. Justintimeforanother

    Looks like Ironwood. They have hops like that and similar leaves. The bark will have thin longitudinal strips, flaked off at both ends. That looks in really rough shape, though.

  2. Martha_Fockers

    Ironwood prefers full sun to partial shade. It naturally occurs in dry woodland understory areas. It does best in slightly acid soil that is moist, fertile and well-drained, but can tolerate dry, gravelly soils in partial shade, once it is established. It is difficult to transplant and slow to establish. It is not tolerant of salt. Prune it in late winter or early spring.

    Any chance that soil is salty from winter time

  3. barchael

    Ironwood, aka hophornbeam: Ostrya Virginana. One of my favorite trees in the world. My guess, from the location it’s planted in would be soil compaction causing lack of available water, salt leeching into soil, and it could be getting shaded out by the other larger trees. It might be saveable, but it may not. You could try watering in, but that could be quite some effort. I haven’t seen many planted as a street tree.

  4. Capital-Newspaper551

    How long did you watch it die before thinking of saving it 😂

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