
Rescue Dioscorea update.

It's been about 18 months since I recovered this from the bush (will link to the original post below) and it still seems to be doing ok, maybe. The new vine is the third lot of new growth it's put out since being potted, but going by the size and lack of vigour I'm not convinced that it isn't just living off it's reserves. It has a new root coming out when I rescued it, but unlike my other Dioscorea it takes a long time to dry out after being watered so I figure there's nothing pulling moisture from the soil. It's still hard and is showing no further signs of rotting. It also flowered this winter, maybe a last ditch effort to pass on its DNA which I gladly accepted as it's a nice clone with big tubercles.

Regardless of what eventually happens with it, it's still a good reminder of just how strong the will to survive is with these plants that have evolved to deal with harsh climates.

by notmyidealusername

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