
Thinking of buying this house, but concerned about these trees.

Do you think these trees need to come down?

My husband is trying to convince me he can do it himself. I’m like, absolutely not.

by auratus1028


  1. cargo711

    Do those trees need to come down? Absolutely not. It’s incredible that you have the opportunity to have such beautiful trees and shade. Those are deep rooted trees and are very strong. The one in the middle could lose the limb leaning if you feel unsafe but I wouldn’t worry about them. The tree to the left is especially fine. All of them look healthy

  2. personalitree

    Hire a Certified Arborist who is Qualified as a Tree Risk assessor. And keep your husband away from chainsaws.

  3. homohomonaledi

    Pls tell your husband to grow up. But also… why are you worried? They look very strong and healthy.

  4. 1. Your hubby likely should not try this by himself. Those are large trees.
    2. If you’re concerned for the future (who wouldn’t be with such big trees so close to your home) maybe you could get a quote for them to be cut down and negotiate with the seller to reduce by that amount. An option, though maybe not the best option 🤷‍♂️

  5. potato_bus

    You will miss the shade if you unnecessarily cut those down

  6. urmother-isanicelady

    The biggest worry would be them uprooting if they’re really close to the house. If not, they should be fine.

  7. FloRidinLawn

    dont cut those down, they make the property. it would lose a ton of value and look kinda lame, if you cut them down.

  8. Sir_Senseless

    Whether those trees are currently healthy or not, I would still have the same concerns about damage to the house from falling limbs. Even if they are fine now, do you really want to pay an arborist to check on them every few years?

    (I’m not an arborist and I realize this is going to be an unpopular opinion here.)

    I’d cut them down if it were my house, and replant something further out.

    Either way your husband should absolutely not try to do that on his own, that was be a disaster.

  9. asianstyleicecream

    If anything I’d be cautious about the moss and dampness that’ll stay on the roof with it being shaded my foliage. Apparently that decays roofing real fast. Just what my dad told me from being a roofing salesmen and a doer/fixer of all of our house projects. I think he said something like have a limb be at least 6ft away to limit moss/mold/dampness staying.

  10. Little_Quail4503

    See that’s the problem with arborist work, any homeowner can just go out and cut down their own 100ft tree with ease 😅

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