Lawn Care

What is this stuff??

Is this crab grass? Something else?? It’s growing 3x faster than my actual lawn, so my lawn looks terrible 2 days after it’s cut. Most importantly – can I get rid of it??

by PontiacMac


  1. sorryiamnotverysmart

    It is a sedge. I think yellow nutsedge. You can get something called Sedgehammer to apply, usually having to order it from a specialty site that sells lawn chems. Alternatively, you can use Image, which is sold at home depot and lowes.

    Image might take a few applications. It says up to 3 weeks for it to die, I usually apply it once, wait a week or two, and hit it again and it all dies out.

    Read up on sedges and work in a post emergent like Image or Sedgehammer into your lawncare chem schedule.

  2. Shaken-Loose

    Weed killer does not work on nutsedge. Use an herbicide like SedgeHammer (post-emergence).

  3. GarretWJ

    Dont pull them! Theres little nutlet things in the ground that produce more when they’re pulled. Sedgehammer

  4. Adamryan0775

    I believe if you use dawn liquid soap it might act as a sticker. Because you need to add a sticking agent to apply chemicals for that weed

  5. instinctiveinvesting

    Nutsedge is a beast. We had issue with it coming through two layers of landscaping fabric and rubber mulch under our swingset. Curious if you find a solution that works for getting rid not it successfully!

  6. There should be an automatic comment this time of year for Nutsedge and Creeping Charlie.

  7. benualson

    sedgehammer works great on that. I had it all over, used sedgehammer, and 7-10 days later it is completely gone

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