
Big storm last night. Will it survive?

It was (mostly) straight before the storm.

by moontiara16


  1. moontiara16

    We will be attempting to right the tree shortly.

  2. UnsoughtNine

    How recently was it planted? You need to stake it properly from two opposing points. It also looks like you might’ve had it volcanoed and your grass is far closer to the trunk than is ideal.

  3. DanoPinyon

    With a stem that large, one suspects improperly planted and circling roots/defective roots. No harm seeing if you can get lucky and it will survive.

  4. Yeah that root plate looks entirely too small for a tree this size. I suspect that you’ll have to stake it (3x substantial stakes on 3 sides) and be careful with keeping it watered (but not too much water) for a good long while. Alternatively you can get a younger, smaller tree and it will outgrow this one in a few years if it’s properly planted.

  5. aveindha25

    It’s hard to tell cause the mulch is in the way but it looks like the roots were snapped, if they were then the tree is toast. Plant the next one properly and make the mulch ring bigger.

  6. Yes just stake it up with 3 t posts to keep any winds from blowing it over again

  7. Puzzleheaded_Bit1438

    Was it there before you moved in or did you plant it afterwards?

    Depending on your homeowner’s insurance, the amount of your deductible, and the cost of the tree, it may not hurt to call them and find out if it’s covered.

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