
What is wrong with my pepper

First time growing bell peppers. It’s in a pot, outside sun half the day and shade half the day. Alabama, USA so it’s been in the high 90s. It’s an orange bell pepper.

It seems like specifically where the leaves are shading/touching the pepper, it’s getting small white spots and sometimes the skin there is wrinkled slightly, though it usually plumps out after it’s watered.

Any idea what’s causing the spots?

by Distinct_Star5899

1 Comment

  1. gnossos_p

    Seems to be some kind of cellular damage. Our green peppers are in full sun (South Carolina) and in the 90’s all the time. The difference is that the plants are heavily leafy and the peppers are mostly growing in the cool(er) shade inside the bush. We also have a thick (like a foot) deep layer of old hay mulch which keeps the soil moisture more consistent.

    We also have leaf footed bugs that suck the juice out of Peppers and Tomatoes (while they have lots of sex) and leave discoloration on the fruit, but those spots are usually larger.

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