
Need Help Identifying These Darkening Tomatoes – Is This Normal?

Hi everyone, I'm growing tomatoes and noticed that some of the fruits are developing a dark, almost black hue. I'm not sure what variety these tomatoes are, and I'm concerned if this is a normal part of the ripening process or if there might be an issue. I've attached a picture for reference. The plants seem healthy overall, and the fruits don't show signs of rot or disease. Is it possible that these are a variety that naturally darkens as they ripen, like 'Black Cherry' or 'Indigo Rose'? Or should I be worried about a potential problem? Any insights or advice would be greatly appreciated!Thanks!

by emp69emp


  1. Kyrie_Blue

    Looks like a variety-specific trait. Could have been hybridized by accident with a dark variety

  2. Doesn’t look like you need to be concerned. I have a couple black star cherry tomatoes that look very similar to these

  3. dutchie727

    We have black strawberry tomatoes growing and this is what they look like before ripening. We ordered them from Baker Creek if you want to look them up

  4. Signal_Error_8027

    These look a lot like my black cherry tomatoes…which don’t really get fully black but more of a greenish brown color. Whatever they are, they look healthy! If you’re not sure what their final color should be, you can give a gentle tug and see if they come off easily. If they do, they are probably close to being fully ripe.

  5. mslashandrajohnson

    Might be a black cherry variety. Look up Black Cherry.

  6. friendly_when_drunk

    “Darker the berry, sweeter the juice” Tupac

  7. dramabeanie

    Probably a black/blue variety, they darken before ripening.

  8. dollivarden

    Looks like the plants are healthy and thriving! Not indigo rose, though. Looks like black cherry which tastes much better than indigo rose.

  9. NichelleMcD

    These are what my Black Prince tomatoes look like!

  10. Stellarjay_9723

    They look like the chocolate cherry variety

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