
I love this tree in my yard, but am concerned about it falling on my neighbor’s house. Should I be?

I love this tree in my yard, but am concerned about it falling on my neighbor’s house. Should I be?

by Voxico


  1. WelderMeltingthings

    cLl your electric provider and say that the tree has been dropping branches like crazy and some are hitting the line. they may take the whole tree

  2. Farewell-Farewell

    If you leave it, it will prob outlive you.

  3. Sumthintodowit

    It’s impossible to say from a few pictures. Have a professional assess it in person. Ideally an Isa certified professional not associated with any company that’s main service is not removal.

  4. This_Foundation_9713

    Some sort of white oak, pretty solid trees, maybe have it pruned every 5-7 years

  5. nobody_in_here

    I estimate between 70 and 80 feet tall.

  6. HellaBiscuitss

    Get a certified arborist to do an inspection. This thing looks fine to me, but that tree is providing you a lot of cooling benefits that you will miss when it is gone. Also, can you elaborate on what you mean by “look sad”?

    It’s going to get hotter every year from here on out, and getting newly planted trees is only gonna get harder too. I’d plant a young oak near this one to get a head start for when this one dies, if it does in your lifetime.

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