
Is this cresting on this Madagascar Palm? Not terribly familiar with these. Thanks!

Is this cresting on this Madagascar Palm? Not terribly familiar with these. Thanks!

by swhiker


  1. Plstxtmeneedpussy-_-

    I have no idea. For real looks like an opuntia graft lol

  2. blindfoldpeak

    You got any other angle of the juncture? Closeups would help

  3. godzillacoral

    That is 100% an Opuntia species growing out of your Pachypodium. How? No idea.

  4. More_Possibility2000

    Maybe this is one for the good people at the botany subreddit.

  5. Substantial-Grade-92

    Pretty sure it’s just a part of an opuntia wedged between the spines of the pachypodium, don’t think they’re actually attached.

  6. No-Butterscotch7221

    Homie is just caught in the spines. Pop him out and set him on top of some gritty soil mix. Wait 1-2 weeks for roots then water lightly

  7. PurpDjango

    Maybe a piece just got stuck on there? I find random plants pieces that the wind brings in on my pachys.

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