Gardening Austin

Tree Identification Help Needed

Our builder planted two “Red Oaks” in our front yard when we built our house. One struggled for a couple years after our big freeze and eventually died. We are trying to replace it and match the surviving tree, but Google says it’s a “Northern Red Oak”, which supposedly would not do well in Austin.

  1. Is this REALLY a “Northern Red Oak”?
  2. If not, what is it? If yes, would we be better off replacing with a different oak? Maybe a Shumard?

Thank you!

by paycus

1 Comment

  1. Likely a Shumard Red Oak or Texas Red Oak.

    I would go with a Monterrey Oak. They’re semi- evergreen and much more resistant to oak wilt.

    Red Oaks, even ones that do better with the heat and alkali soil, are very susceptible to oak wilt.

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