What's this plant

What is this weed?

Ontario Canada, this covers my backyard and seems to choke out the grass! Not sure how to deal with it or what it is

by sriuba


  1. greencheeksunconure

    I am not fully certain, but it may be a species of violet.

  2. brynnors

    Violets. I only get them where the grass won’t grow, but this is pretty crazy. I’d say ask in /r/lawncare or your local extension (edit: forgot y’all don’t have that; could ask Michigan’s or New York’s extension offices). Or just make peace with them.

  3. barchael

    Your turning violet, Violet! (Fun fact: also an edible plant! I find the flowers gentle and delicious)

  4. Afternoon_Sunflower

    Oh my God that is absolutely insane. It looks like violets to me but I could be wrong.

  5. Amorpha_fruticosa

    I wish I had this sooooooooo much!!! They are a species violet!

  6. SomeDumbGamer

    Holy violets! You are one lucky fellow! They’re a wonderful native plant and are very shade tolerant! Enjoy them!

    Those shrubs in the back are also native red mulberry!

  7. frostknee

    oh man, so do you not have to mow?

    that sounds awesome lol

  8. DrNinnuxx

    Needs to be re-posted in r/fucklawns. They love this kind of stuff.

  9. Spuzzle91

    Awe, my mom and I both love wild violets. I’m jealous!

  10. Uiscefhuaraithe-9486

    SO MUCH BETTER than grass!!! 😍😍

  11. [Viola labradorica](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viola_labradorica) likely. Personally I hate the stuff, but I’m in California where it is very much not native, but you are in the native range, so you have a nice native groundcover.

    If you want a different plant there, good luck. It is incredibly persistent and difficult to remove, hence why I hate it so much as an invasive weed in my area.

    It’s cute, but the flowers are smaller and generally less visible than other members of the genus.

  12. CaliRiverRat

    There are a lot of plants in this picture. If you supplied a close up of the particular plant that you consider a weed, I bet someone will be able to give you an accurate answer.

  13. Ok_Maintenance_969

    Violets, they are an early bloomer that is vital to pollinators in the spring. Edible, too.

  14. Thegreenfantastic

    Wild violets, and they’re beautiful.

  15. Silverwolf81

    You can have all my crab grass if I can have your violets

  16. aarakocra-druid

    They’re violets as others have said! I’d leave them, personally, they’re one of the earliest spring bloomers and really quite dainty and pretty.

  17. Electrical-Sun6267

    I was going to say I don’t know what it is, but it makes your backyard look beautiful.

  18. McBernes

    That’s awesome! I’d love to have that instead of grass!

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