Houseplants Circle Jerk

I’m suspitchious, I don’t think there’s enough vagination for these to be real

Can I get these for my neighbor’s aunt’s 32 hour old baby to start teaching responsibility?

by Axo_little_bit


  1. Come on guys, this is Clearly AI. Everyone knows the cat eyes need to have the pupil clearly visible. Only AI makes the all black eye images.

  2. itskelena

    I think I had a stroke while reading this. Bad OP.

  3. im also suspitious that this is a terribal advertisemint. i worry their wouldnt be animals eyes blossom but some other plant like time. pleese dont buy from this seller, get animals eye blossom from a raputable seller. thanks

  4. Omgletmenamemyself

    Make sure to get your plants spayed and neutered, everyone…this species is super invasive.

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